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Detail Panel

The Detail Panel displays all adjustable properties of a component. Properties are grouped into context groups and sorted into different categories. A detailed description of the properties can be found under Basic Properties and on the component pages. If not all categories can be displayed, all additional categories can be selected via the "more" menu.



In the "Generic" section, you will find all properties that are the same for every component.

  • Meta
    Here you will find all meta-information about the component.
  • Display
    Basic rendering settings for the component. (Currently only flex is properly supported)
  • Size
    Properties to control the responsive behavior of the component.
  • Placement
    Definition of the spacing around other components and additional content.


In the "Style" category, all properties are sorted that define the appearance and labeling. Many properties are duplicated because they are set separately for each status. The status picker (1) only displays properties that are important for the selected status.


Another special feature is themed properties. All properties that can be defined by a theme can be manually overridden. The override is marked by an exclamation mark (1). If you want properties to be determined by a theme again, you can click on the exclamation mark to revert to the theme value.



Here, properties are sorted that are not directly related to the appearance.

Some components can directly react to specific events of other components. For this purpose, a component is set as the source, called SourceLinks.


Here, you can directly react to component events with JavaScript. When selecting an event, a function can be defined using the UI Snippet Editor.